
Tom Kha Gai

Tom Kha Gai is a popular menu for Thai and foreigners. Nevertheless it has not constantly formula but Chef could adjust for their individual taste or for their customers.

Young Galangal Root is the main ingredient;


1. Chicken (Breast) 2-3 pieces
2. Thin Coconut milk 4/5 cup.
3. Top coconut milk 1 cup
4. Lemon grass
5. Young Galangal Root
6. Bitter Orange Leaves
7. Salt
8. Fish sauce
9. Coriander Leaves
10. Lemonade and Chili paste
11. Mushroom or other and pound some of fresh hot Chili Peppers as you like.

1. Put thin coconut milk, Young Galangal Root, Lemon grass, Mushroom and salt. Wait to boiling thin coconut milk and put chicken. Let boiling a few minute to get Thai herb’s savor.

2. Put Top coconut milk and stir coconut milk. Favor with Lemonade, fish sauce, Chili paste and fresh hot Chili Peppers. Put Coriander Leaves on top before serve.